Ye Mard Bechara (2021)

c - 19 November 2021
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Story in one line - The man (mard) hurt too because he is also a human, man (mard) is not to tilt someone using your force, Rather a man(mard) overcoming his weaknesses , Manhood is not that to spread voilence but to stop voilence, follow the path of non voilence, manhood is not to lord it over women but it is to respect equality , to be a man (mard ) Not to give pain but to understand the pain of others because the man (mard) hurt too.. the name of the realization of the same pain " yemardbechara"

Director:  Anup Thapa
Writers:  Anup Thapa


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Story in one line - The man (mard) hurt too because he is also a human, man (mard) is not to tilt someone using your force, Rather a man(mard) overcoming his weaknesses , Manhood is not that to spread voilence but to stop voilence, follow the path of non voilence, manhood is not to lord it over women but it is to respect equality , to be a man (mard ) Not to give pain but to understand the pain of others because the man (mard) hurt too.. the name of the realization of the same pain " yemardbechara"

Collections: Upcoming Movies

Genres: c


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Country:   India
Language:  Hindi
Release Date:  19 November 2021

Box Office

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Story in one line - The man (mard) hurt too because he is also a human, man (mard) is not to tilt someone using your force, Rather a man(mard) overcoming his weaknesses , Manhood is not that to spread voilence but to stop voilence, follow the path of non voilence, manhood is not to lord it over women but it is to respect equality , to be a man (mard ) Not to give pain but to understand the pain of others because the man (mard) hurt too.. the name of the realization of the same pain " yemardbechara"