-Veekam is a 2022 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Sagar. The movie stars Dayyana Hameed, Siddique, Dhyan Sreenivasan and Sheelu Abraham in the lead roles. Veekam is produced by Sheelu Abraham and Abraham Mathew.
Veekam is a 2022 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Sagar. The movie stars Dayyana Hameed, Siddique, Dhyan Sreenivasan and Sheelu Abraham in the lead roles. Veekam is produced by Sheelu Abraham and Abraham Mathew.
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Veekam is a 2022 Malayalam drama movie, directed by Sagar. The movie stars Dayyana Hameed, Siddique, Dhyan Sreenivasan and Sheelu Abraham in the lead roles. Veekam is produced by Sheelu Abraham and Abraham Mathew.