Room 7 (2022)

Drama - 22 April 2022
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Homeless retiree Mike Richards, 70, moves into a hostel (temporary shared accommodation) whilst he waits for the council to find him somewhere permanent to live. Horrified to discover a refugee family already living there he initially returns to sleep on the streets, but eventually chooses the run down house and its current occupants. The family consisting of husband and wife, Jan and Su, both 35, and their two children Seher, 6, and baby Rodi have been living there for three years alongside a teenage Somali boy, Aaden.

Director:  Nihat Seven
Writers:  Rony Lolano, Tom Roberts, Nihat Seven


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Homeless retiree Mike Richards, 70, moves into a hostel (temporary shared accommodation) whilst he waits for the council to find him somewhere permanent to live. Horrified to discover a refugee family already living there he initially returns to sleep on the streets, but eventually chooses the run down house and its current occupants. The family consisting of husband and wife, Jan and Su, both 35, and their two children Seher, 6, and baby Rodi have been living there for three years alongside a teenage Somali boy, Aaden.

Collections: Nihat Seven, Popular Movies

Genres: Drama


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Country:   United Kingdom
Language:  English
Release Date:  22 April 2022

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Homeless retiree Mike Richards, 70, moves into a hostel (temporary shared accommodation) whilst he waits for the council to find him somewhere permanent to live. Horrified to discover a refugee family already living there he initially returns to sleep on the streets, but eventually chooses the run down house and its current occupants. The family consisting of husband and wife, Jan and Su, both 35, and their two children Seher, 6, and baby Rodi have been living there for three years alongside a teenage Somali boy, Aaden.