Black Rose
- -Black Rose is a thriller movie writted by Samapth Nandi and directed by Mohan Bharadwaj. The movie casts Urvashi Rautela in the main lead role. The music scored by Mani Sharma while Srinivasaa Chhitturi produced this movie.
Black Rose is a thriller movie writted by Samapth Nandi and directed by Mohan Bharadwaj. The movie casts Urvashi Rautela in the main lead role. The music scored by Mani Sharma while Srinivasaa Chhitturi produced this movie.
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Black Rose is a thriller movie writted by Samapth Nandi and directed by Mohan Bharadwaj. The movie casts Urvashi Rautela in the main lead role. The music scored by Mani Sharma while Srinivasaa Chhitturi produced this movie.