Poster for the movie "A Journal for Jordan"

A Journal for Jordan (2021)

Drama, Romance - 22 December 2021
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Chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Canedy's relationship with a soldier named Charles Monroe King. Deployed overseas in combat zones, he began writing a journal full of life lessons for their newborn son Jordan.

Director:  Denzel Washington


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Chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Canedy's relationship with a soldier named Charles Monroe King. Deployed overseas in combat zones, he began writing a journal full of life lessons for their newborn son Jordan.

Genres: Drama, Romance


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Country:   Canada United States of America
Language:  English
Release Date:  22 December 2021

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Chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dana Canedy's relationship with a soldier named Charles Monroe King. Deployed overseas in combat zones, he began writing a journal full of life lessons for their newborn son Jordan.